Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Assignment #4

Title: Catherine's Own Book.

  Dear Isabella,
                Oh Isabella I barely came back from Northanger Abbey and my mother doesn't know. Also she doesn't know why I'm so sad. I don't want to tell her because of Henry. The worst part is that I didn't even have the chance to tell him goodbye. Do you know how much that hurt me? Tell me Isabella what would you do? Help me because no one understands me. I told them that I suspected a murder and they didn't believe me and I knew they were mad at me but I told them not to show or tell me they were angry. So please Isabella tell me what should I do? How do I forget about Henry?

                                                                                     Catherine Morland

   Dear Catherine,

                 Hey Catherine, don't worry everything will be alright. Why doesn't your mother know you went to Northanger Abby? Trust me you'll see Henry again and you can actually never say goodbye to him, ya'll shall live happily when you see him again. What I would do is try to find him. Sometimes family will never understand you, that's why you have friends like me who understands you and helps you. If you really want to forget about Henry then don't think about him, forget everything about him.

                                                                                     Isabella Thrope

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